With the internet providing endless platforms for writing, art, and general personal expression, the zine experienced a period of obscurity. Zines went from a staple of merch tables at fests and shows everywhere to a form of communication only utilized by the most wizard-level crust-punks and metal heads. Luckily, with the assistance of the nigh-unstoppable nostalgia train, zines are now back in the hands of people who shower regularly and, with access to high-quality printing materials growing easier and easier, zines have gone beyond their chicken scratch/newsprint beginnings to presenting themselves with objective quality.
Shocking, I know!
I do my best to keep up with zines, as I feel that they really have a lot to offer (I mean where else could you find a zine offering personality profiles of angsty vegetables?) These next few zines are some of my favorites. Check 'em out below