In the 90s, hardcore kids embraced eco-terrorism, veganism, abrahamic religion, and an opposition to sex for anything other than procreation. Bands like Killtheslavemaster, Vegan Reich, and Repentance all espoused hardline positions.
Destroy Babylon was the main hardline publication, its main topics being the murder of hunters, abstinence from sex, and spirituality.
Of course, this was all hilarious and hopelessly naive, and a good example of the circular nature of ideology. Become too steeped in your beliefs and you will begin to deny the humanity of anyone who opposes you.
Destroy Babylon was the main hardline publication, its main topics being the murder of hunters, abstinence from sex, and spirituality.
Of course, this was all hilarious and hopelessly naive, and a good example of the circular nature of ideology. Become too steeped in your beliefs and you will begin to deny the humanity of anyone who opposes you.
A lot of these bands were pretty atrocious musically but Racetraitor, from Chicago were actually really good. Burn The Idol Of The White Messiah is their best release.
Most of it is heavy, sludgy, death metal-tinged hardcore, but there are a few left-hooks.
The whole thing is on youtube. Start here.
Most of it is heavy, sludgy, death metal-tinged hardcore, but there are a few left-hooks.
The whole thing is on youtube. Start here.