Monday, June 30, 2014


Powerviolence is the absolute antithesis of Black Metal. Powerviolence tracks are aural instances of brevity that are direct and political and very much of this world and of the feelings of man. Black Metal is murky and atmospheric and profoundly rotten and will never be of this earth. When the two combine or, rather, when an attempt is made to combine the two, it leaves me uneasy. 

Sorg, from France, are the latest band to attempt to fuse the two genres and, remarkably, they are successful. The songs are direct and catchy yet their is nothing in them that relates to man. This success is partially due to the rock n' roll vibe of some of the tracks. The little skatterings of melody, especially in "Excidum" are noteworthy. They provide something to grasp on to, a kind of buffer in between two very different and nearly incompatible styles. After all, what is more inhuman and direct than rock n' roll?

The production on this demo is excellent. Closer to De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas than Deathcrush. Modern technology has cast the days of horrible demos into the abyss where they now belong. Part of me says good riddance, part of me misses the danger. Either way this demo is excellent. It is appropriately murky but still forceful, like the stench of death emanating from the fog.

Highly recommended stuff. I'm hoping for a tape release.

Listen here

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