Day of Suffering were a vegan/straightedge hardcore band from North Carolina and they totally, completely ruled.
Equally inspired by the likes of Morbid Angel (the band they named themselves after), and Vegan Reich, Day of Suffering combined the technicality, polish, and heaviness of early 90's Death Metal with the vocals, breakdowns, and subject matter of hardcore.
This band was so, so heavy, especially for their time. Check out the track Engulfed In Darkness below!
Everything off of The Eternal Jihad is so, so polished. I haven't heard a hardcore record of this era that is so polished. Every instrument is so punchy and clear.
I don't know a lot about these guys. They made their album and then quit. It's a shame because they're fantastic. Truly, truly underrated. They got back together to play a show in 2012 and then fell off the map again.
Have any of you guys seen them live? Whatever happened to them?
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