1. So what got you started in the review game?
Well, it all started about 7 years ago when I first discovered the Metal Archives and I saw there were user submitted reviews. I was really into the whole forum/message board thing and I was already talking about bands and albums I loved, so I figured why not write my own review? Sure, I wasn't professional, but you don't need to be to have an opinion. After writing 3, I grew tired of typing them. It just seemed dull and took me hours to do, so I just gave up. A few years later, I was hanging out with my friend and he brought up the idea of doing video albums reviews and I loved it. We sat down and recorded 2 reviews and for some reason, never uploaded them. I discovered the album reviewing community on Youtube and watched Coverkillernation, TheNeedleDrop, and JumbleJunkieMusic, and I decided I was just gonna try it. Thankfully, people enjoyed it!
2. Your thoughts about the music you review are very coherent and descriptive, do you write down your opinions first? Work from a script? Or do you just wing it?
I normally just wing it. If I have notes or a script I just stumble over my words and the video feels forced. I just listen to the album a bunch of times, listen to it right before recording a review, turn on the camera and hope for the best.
3. Do you have a favorite musical medium? CD's, downloads, tapes, vinyl?
If I had to pick one, it would be vinyl. I love everything about it. You really feel like you get a lot more for your money. I love the packaging, the artwork, even the ritual of pulling it off the shelf taking the record out, putting it on the turntable, and dropping the needle.Plus the sound quality is just stellar with the right mastering and pressing. It's by far the most natural sounding. I do enjoy CD's and tapes quite a bit. CD's are great because you can just pop one in and let the whole album play without having to get up and mess with anything when you're feeling lazy. Tapes are great because they are so cheap and, for black metal, they work perfectly. The quality of the tape almost enhances the atmosphere of the music. As for downloads, I'm not a fan at all. It's the most shallow of all formats.
4. I want to touch on your "Controversial Metal Opinions" series. You go really against the grain with your ideas of genre and belief. Does this ever attract anger form the more typical metalhead?
Well, I'd hate to say "the more typical metalhead" but I would say from the more old school "warrior" type. I've had death threats, hate pages on Facebook, impersonators, home address posted, and even a stalker who would message me under multiple accounts. Now, I must stress this, I have been greeted with more positive feedback than negative with those videos but of course, with the positive comes the negative.
5. I know you don't consider an artists beliefs or actions when you purchase their music. Is there a line you won't cross? Is there something a musician could do that would stop you from purchasing their music?
This is a tough question since I can separate personal beliefs from music. I feel like metal is all about self expression and you can express whatever you want as long as it's genuine. I have no issue with what people sing about since they have the right to express what they want, but I don't have to support them. The only thing that comes to mind is the current situation with Ian from Lostprophets. Anybody that can do something that sick not just to a child, but to a baby...just sickens me. If any band I listen to turned out to be pedophiles or rapists, that would be it for me. But other than that, I don't care.
6. Let's talk about your band, OMNIPRESENT. You guys play Death Metal and, from what I've heard, you guys sound pretty great. Are there any upcoming EP's/Full Lengths/Splits?
First off, thank you for the compliment. We are currently recording a five-track EP titled Media. As I type this, the drums are done and we're about to track guitars, bass, vocals ect. As for the full length, we have a full song written titled Force Fed Lobotomy and are currently working on two more songs that will be included on it. We're going to take our time on this and not rush anything so I can't really tell you when it'll be done. As for when the EP, we want it out by March.
7. Are you interested in keeping the band unsigned or, if the opportunity presents itself, would you sign to a label?
We would love to sign! Music is my life and my happiest moments are when I'm playing live, so it would be great to have a labels support.
8. You have a wide range, from guttural, disgusting lows, to more black metal highs. Who inspires you as a vocalist?
Thank you so much! I'd say my biggest influences would be Travis Ryan from CATTLE DECAPITATION, Phil Bozeman from WHITECHAPEL, Igor Filimontsev, from KATELEPSY, Grimo from CYTOTOXIN, J. Read from CONQUEROR, Gaahl from GOD SEED and way to many more to list.
9. You mentioned a solo Powerviolence project in one of your videos, any progress?
I have the drums programmed and bass written since I don't have a guitar. Once I get one, I'd like to finish up. Name, concept, and some lyrics are done.I just gotta get myself into gear and hammer it out.
10. So I'm excited for your brand new album, CELESTIAL OAK PRODUCTIONS. When did the germ for this idea take root? Did you always know you were going to create a label?
The whole idea for Celestial Oak Productions came from browsing tons of distros on a nightly basis and just thinking about how cool it would be to run one. I started researching how small labels run and what I would need to buy and whatnot out of curiosity. Once I saw how tough it was, I wanted to do it as more of a challenge to myself. After months of thinking and looking more and more into it, I decided it was time for me to do something. If I'm to ever start a project this big, I should start it now when I'm young and have the motivation. As for me knowing, not really. I always thought it would be cool, but I never thought it would actually happen.
11. Is Celestial Oak Productions a label that that will focus on Black Meta? Or do you plan on branching out?
Celestial Oak is about atmospheric and natural music. If the music has a dense atmosphere and feels extremely natural, then I'm going to be all about that. The styles I'm looking into at the moment are atmospheric black metal, sludge, funeral doom, folk metal, neofolk, and ambient. I refuse to limit myself to just black metal. Anything I put out has to move me in some way and honestly, a lot of styles outside of black metal hit me hard. Neofolk is one of my favorite genres and it's not related to metal at all.
12. I really enjoy DEUIL and their Acceptance/Rebuilt album. How did that relationship develop? Does your label accept demos?
DEUIL came about through WOOOOOOARGH RECORDS contacting me about co-releasing the LP. I had no communication with the band outside of getting their permission to put the whole album up on the CELESTIAL OAK bandcamp. As for demos, I would normally say yes, but I have a lot on my plate at the moment with different releases and ,as much as I would love to put out 50 releases in 2014, I just don't have the money for that.
13. From what I've seen, the Acceptance/Rebuilt vinyl package is very high quality. It's rare to see an up and coming label with that kind of quality control. How did you swing that?
Once again, WOAAAAARGH has to take the credit for that. It's a stunning package and there's no way I could have done this without the help from them and the other labels involved in the project. I must say this, though, I will continue to release great packaging for Celestial Oak. I have a bunch of plans for the future involving great packaging, high quality pressings, posters, and even some odd extras to be included with certain albums. I want the customer to get great music with equally great packaging.
14. Could you key us in on any new projects? New reviews, stuff with the band, future label releases?
Sure, outside of the OMNIPRESENT EP, I'm going to be recording vocals for my friends tech death project called ASTROCYTE. It's melodic, technical, brutal, and heavy as an elephant. As for reviews, I plan on reviewing the WALDEN album next. Amazing Neofolk music in the vein of Empyrium. Over the next few months I plan on releasing three CD's. Two are from this amazing black/folk metal band from Canada called TROLLBAND. They are a hard working band that makes some extremely solid music that is not only catchy and fun to listen to, but also unique. The other album is a brand new EP from the the atmospheric Black Metal project KOLDSCOV. Stunning atmospheric black metal that gives off a fog like atmosphere with some water-tight songwriting. Great stuff! I also have a huge announcement concerning a reissue of a Quebec black metal classic!
15. Any final words?
Thank you so much for the interview and support!