Thursday, March 6, 2014

Grim Visions of Battle

I'm a firm believer that if I were to make a mixtape with DISCHARGE on one side and HELLHAMMER on the other and give it to a friend, that friend would not hear a difference in genre. It's all crushing guitar, harsh vocals, bleak lyrics, and fast drums topped off by the occasional solo. Genre purists try and separate the two but there's really no-point, punk has been on a collision course with extreme metal since the early 80's and they are forever intertwined. Some bands get this, and strive for that genre-bending album, but very few succeed.

Sweden's SWORDWIELDER are that rare band that just hit the sweet spot between extreme metal and raw punk. Guitars are big and melodic, but with an occasional three chord bite. Vocals sway between a crusty bark and a chesty Cyriis impersonation. The album conjures images of plague and war. It has its black metal moments and they are steeped in misanthropy.

This whole album is just fantastic. This is what late-era DARKTHRONE wishes it could be.

Stream the album here:

Buy the LP here:

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