Thursday, May 29, 2014

I've noticed that the new trend among  Anarchist Crust Punk and  Red/Anarchist Black Metal bands is their focus on matters of the spirit and matters of ecology. This clearly stems from the growing Anarcho-primitivism movement, while admirable, is something we cannot allow to completely take over the more street-based politics of the heavy music scene. These following bands keep more down home politics alive.

From the rivertown of Sheffield, Chewed Up play melodic anarcho punk/crust in the vein of Crass or Leftover Crack. Lyrics rage against societal pressure, conservatives, bigotry, and fascism. Excellent music. 
Listen here:

A Sibat is a kind of spear used by natives of the Philippines. It shares the name with this one-man Crust Punk/ Black Metal project. The music has strong, strong late-era Darkthrone vibes and the lyrics are quite militant, name-checking the Pulang Hukbo ng Bayan (People's Red Army)
Check them out here:

Jarost Marksa ,"Fury of Marx" in English, are one of the most fervent and idealistic communist bands in metal. Formed by Antoine Durand, a Frenchman living in Russia, in 2005, Jarost Marksa has issued a call for violent, proletarian revolution. They are a large cultural thorn in the side of Putin and his tyranny. They recorded an EP, entitled "We The People" in 2008. The EP included a cover of the classic Soviet ww2 song "Sacred War."
Listen here:

From the fertile grounds of the Canadian Black Metal scene, Anti-Freeze infuse mid-tempo, atmospheric black metal with strong anti-fascist leanings. One track from the Winter tape demo will be featured on an upcoming anti-nsbm comp.
Check them out here:


Hailing from Ukraine, one of the worlds most tumultuous countries, Confront Stage offer blasts of anti-globalization street/crust punk. Listen to they. They're reporters with a backbeat.
Listen here:


From Sweden, Arrogant State play blown out, rawpunk in its most traditional form. Excellent vocals and lyrics about scene,  anarchy, and unity.

Listen here:

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