Thursday, July 24, 2014

Best Black Metal Ep's

Black Metal is an LP lovers game and I can absolutely see why. Black Metal Music is entirely based on feeling and atmosphere, meaning that full length albums have more time to absorb listeners into that space. LP's also offer larger space for art, a huge plus when dealing with Black Metal, a genre that just loves theatre and aesthetics. This is part of why everyone remembers De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and not Deathcrush, or really loves Two Hunters and has never heard Malevolent Grain. I think it's time Black Metal EP's are given the spotlight, as some fantastic music is packed on these releases. These next 9 EP's are in no particular order.

10. Abigail-Descending From a Blackened Sky

A raw, uncompromising blast of music from Tokyo Japan's Abigail. This is a bit more than normal traditional black metal. It features heavy elements of thrash and speed metal showing that, deep inside the rotting demon corpse of this EP, is the heart of a street metalhead. An interesting listen. 

9. Ancient Rites- Evil Prevails...

An underrated gem of an EP. Very occult, atmospheric guitars and guttural vocals reverbed straight to hell. This is the sound of the ancient, bloodletting devil worship. 

8. Marduk-Here's No Peace

A late 90's slice of bestial, blasting death metal, Here's No Peace is my favorite piece in Marduk's discography. Good stuff.

7. Idiot Stroszek- Idiot Stroszek 01

Idiot Stroszek is an uncomfortable, deeply personal one-man black metal/raw punk band with one member playing a broken, two-stringed guitar and providing suitcase percussion. Idiot Stroszek 01 is a great debut, showing exactly what the artist is hear to do. 

6. Sodom- In The Sign of Evil

A stone cold classic. Nothing more really needs to be said. Vile, disgusting, brutal extreme metal.

Forgotten Woods- Self Titled

A lurching, creeping, ether piece of Norwegian Black Metal. A mature debut for a tape recorded by young teenagers.

Sarcofago- The Black Vomit

Above is a poor quality image for a very hard to find album. If you have the opportunity to listen, you'll realize just how great this EP is. The genius present on I.N.R.I. is already present here.

2. Dimmu Borgir- Inn I Evighetens Morke

Forgive me Fenriz, for I am untrue! I actually quite like Dimmu Borgir, particularly their early stuff. This EP is a smaller, more condensed version of their brilliant first album For All Tid. Symphonic, heavy, and beautiful.

1. Watain- The Essence of Black Purity 

This album, to put it simply, came from another world. This album is an act of will, a piece of magic spewed forth from something ancient and horrible. Watain captured something wonderful with their very first release, something they've built on ever since. Perfect. 

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