Saturday, August 9, 2014

Now Showing: GG Allin's Last Day

GG breaks a microphone. The sound guy quits on him. GG storms out, throwing microphones and cursing him out. He somehow got another working microphone and played three more songs. He punched two people, shit on himself, and threw the shit at everyone else. Everyone ran for the courtyard, most of the 200 strong crowd out of the venue. Ten people were left to watch the show. There was a fight and GG lost his mic. He chases the last ten into the courtyard. GG wanted to throw hands. The crowd made use of recycling container full of bottles and pelted GG and his coked up-entourage. GG chased them into the street, 75 to 100 pissed-off concert goers yelling in the street. GG in a skirt and combat boots and shit and blood and he lay down in front of the city bus on Avenue B and the bus couldn't pass. The cops were coming. GG tried to escape, but he didn't know New York. He didn't know New York.

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