Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rez Epo- Stices review

Nearly all noise music is indebted to two people, Masami Akita, a.k.a. Merzbow, and John Cage. Cage, with his classical training and black and white aesthetic, represents the intellectual, structured portion of noise while Merzbow, with his 300+ releases and free-form style, is the naked expression of the soul. 

Rez Epo, with their second solo release, has taken heavy influence from the former. With fourteen minutes and two tracks they've presented slab of abstract sound that flirts with drone, ambient, and middle eastern music. It's hitting on every artistic statement made by Merzbow in his early laptop era, down to the production. What makes it stand out is it's focus on rythm.

Parts of the album are downright dance-able. The second track, Share Delpha, features what could be the harsh noise equivalent of a dubstep breakdown.

This is music for nihilist noiseheads who get loaded enough to dance at a show, when they should be standing with their arms crossed in thoughtful anguish.

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