Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bandcamp artist of the week: Bode Predo

Leather jackets, bullet belts, cutoff t-shirts, satanic rituals, and short songs.

The late 80s, death metal was in its infancy, Celtic Frost, Venom, and Slayer inspired a whole glut of heavy, brutal bands. Some took influence from the Kreator/Slayer model, crafting fast, downtuned songs with guttural vocals, while others took the Hellhammer/Venom blueprint, using fast, high pitched riffs and high vocals. For a while, these new groups, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Death, ruled the world.

In a perfect world, Bode Pedro would have started 3-decades ago, became the cream of the metal crop, and brok eup after one spectacular album.

Alas, it is 2013 and they are relatively unknown. Which is a shame, as they craft some of the best blackened death metal I've heard.

Give it a listen.

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