Monday, September 9, 2013

Bandcamp artist of the week: Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy. are a band from Chicago that play raw, snotty hardcore in the vein of Black Flag or Leftover Crack. The guy in the picture looks to be quite young and I'm assuming the rest of the band is too which makes their mastery of hardcore mixed with psuedo-crust all the more surprising.

Guitars are power chords, fast,brutal, a thin,but effective framing device for the angry, raw-throated delivery of Victor, the vocalist.

The rhythm section slays, the bass player has a nasty, bile-choked tone and the drummer sounds like he actively hates the instrument and wants to beat the piss out of it.

As you can tell from the name, they sing about politics or, I think they do, because the vocals are so buried under the chunky chords and slimy bass that I can't discern a single word. Oh well, they probably have stupid opinions anyway.

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