Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bane recording final album.

After 18 years and 3 albums, new age hardcore legends Bane are announcing their breakup following one last album, entitled Don't Wait Up. I can say, without doubt or any shade of irony, that Bane that  is the most influential hardcore band of the last ten years and that, without them, bands like Have Heart, Ten Yard Fight, and even Converge would not exist as they existed/exist. So, in honor of their upcoming split, let's take a look back at Bane and what they did for the scene.

They formed when Aaron Dalbec, then  guitarist for Converge, approached Damon Bellardo and Matt Firestone. They played a few shows under the name "Gateway" before Firestone left the band. Damon then enlisted Aaron Bedard to contribute vocals. They hit the studio in 1995 and released a demo tape, the Free to Think, Free to Be EP, and the Holding this Moment EP and the rest, as they say, is history.

Bane was influential for a couple of reasons.

1. The Lyrics- Although early releases focused on the typical "straightedge youth triumphing against the pressures of adult morality" shtick, later releases had more mature content, with songs like "Wasted on the Young" detailing the hardcore herd mentality and its effect on the young.

2. The Music- Eschewing bro-core chuga-chugas for youth crew sing alongs and pile-along riffs, Bane stood out among the hardcore scene by focusing on melody. Every song is hummable and concise.

3. The merchandise- Okay, hear me out on this, in the early 90s, everybody had an x-watch or a gorilla biscuits t-shirt and it was instantly recognizable to anyone in the know. It was a matter of instant brotherhood. So when Bane had all of those hoodies and those t-shirts and patches, that recognition came back.

So, in memorial, you guys should spin "Give Blood" or "The Note" and reminisce. I know I will.

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