Monday, December 2, 2013

Sordo Interview

Hello, all! It's been a while. I've had some issues and had to take some time off from blogging but I'm back in full force!

In late September, I interviewed Eddie, the bassist and co-vocalist for Oxnard powerviolence madmen Sordo. They're my favorite band in the PV/Grindcore scene right now. They're fast, lo-fi, and crushingly, trauma-inducingly heavy but each song, although they're between 10-25 seconds in length on average, have hummable hooks.

Eddie was way cool, and although the interview was over email he was personable and funny and I have to give him massive props for putting out his music and his own music through his own label (R.I.P DIY Noise)

1.      First off, could you introduce yourself and say what you do in the band?
My name is Eduardo, or Eddie for most folk. I respond also to Ed or Yayo. I play bass and do vocals.
2.      You’re funny dudes. Do you think powerviolence takes itself too seriously?
Haha thanks man! At times yeah. Like for me it's pretty funny seeing all these dudes in other PV bands expound on how much life sucks and how horribly bleak it is-then like every other post they make is an advertisement for their newest release. I don't know, do what you will and how you want. But I think it's just funny.
3.      What do you think of the anti-music label?
I love it. It pretty much sums up my view on music. A lot of people get it wrong-they have this presumption that I'm some kind of snob when it comes to music-that i'll only listen to PV or grind and not other stuff like Dream Theater or what not. The anti-music sign or noise insignia for me is actually my way of telling all the music snobs that we aren't for them.
4.      You guys seem really into splits, what are some bands you’ve put out splits with? Any bands you really want to do splits with but haven’t?
Haha yeah we kinda just fell into that. Like for the most part I usually set up splits and the other dudes kinda just go with it. Usually people ask us to split and we just say yes haha. I think it's uncouth to deny to do a split with a band. Hell we'll split with just about anyone so long as their a cool band and or cool dudes. We've split with Corrupt Humanity, To Die, Hipster Trash, Chimpowa, Crutch, Knifewound and a bunch others. I'd love to split with Godstomper some day. If DosxAmigos ever came back i'd do a split with them too. I'm looking forward to splitting with a lot of rad ass bands like Tension,Obacha, Six Brew Bantha, Bungus, Exogorth, Chainsaw Squid, Water Torture. Tons for sure haha.
5.      I fucking loved the Solid Snake cover art for “Tactical Precision Violence.” Did you guys get any bullshit from konami?
Thanks man! We're all fans of Metal Gear but I think i'm the more avid player haha. Not at all. I don't think we're so mainstream or even relevant to get Hideo Kojima on our ass haha
6.      You put out “Most Definitely not a Virus” on floppy disk. What attracts you to older mediums of release?
Haha that was just a joke really. Like I run my label DIY Noise and I releases a floppy disc for a few bands and so I just wanted to release one for my band haha. But I actually do collect floppy disks lol. I just like the novelty of it. I mean logically speaking. A vinyl record would be the oldest medium for music. Yet people still release it for no other reason other then to just have it on vinyl.
7.      Are you guys signed to DIY noise? Or are they just a distributor.
That's my label actually haha and no I don't sign anybody. I just release bands and I have a small distro as well. I use it to move Sordo stuff most def.

8.      Are you involved in any side projects?
I run my label. My brother and I also play in a D-Beat/Raw Noise Punk band called DIS-DIG. I use to play noise in my noise band LARVA. And that's about it. Oh and I use to play guitar for a punk band called Wages Of Fear

9.      Finally, could you clue me in on any upcoming projects and when/where we should expect them to be released?
Yeah, I mean I'm sure we'll be doing loads of splits until we decide to call it a day. It's hard for us to record but we do have plans to record in the very near future. As far as splits and other recordings go it's all up in the air. We don't really set any dates for stuff-more just decide to do something and then do our best to get it out when time allows.

Sordo will be releasing splits with raw New York Grinders Hiroshima Vacation and the mighty Chainsaw Squid.

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