Thursday, June 26, 2014

An interview with Merzbow

Merzbow, the straightedge, Vegan noise powerhouse, needs no introduction. Ruthlessly inventive, exceedingly prolific, and dauntingly conceptual, Merzbow can be called the godfather of noise. He kindly agreed to an email interview. These answers are translated from Japanese, so there might be slight grammar errors, but it is an accurate statement of intent.

You recently began recording with your new band CU/TS. Will these sessions result in an album and, if so, would you put together a tour?

We invited Thurston Moore to record with us in London in May. These sessions, after they are mixed, will lead to an album in the future. The live band will include myself, Mats Gustafsson, and Balazs Pandi.

When composing the music for CU/TS, does any other member of the group bring forth structural ideas and, if so, who produces the lions share? Or am I totally wrong and the music is improvisational?

In the beginning, the music was improvisational. I mixed this first recording, done in Budapest, in my studio in Tokyo. Balazs carried out the final mix in his studio back in Budapest.

Your music is very much informed by Vegan Straight Edge beliefs. Is this indicative of any kind of cultural movement in Japan?

There are very few people in Japan who adhere to the Vegan Straight Edge lifestyle. Although there is an Animal Rights movement, mainly active in anti-fur demonstrations, it is very small. There are Vegan friendly restaurants, but not many.

Do you feel that independent art and Vegan Straight Edge are two sides of the same coin? A kind of rejection of societal morals from a lifestyle and an art basis?

The purpose of Vegan Straight Edge is to oppose the alcohol and tobacco industry, industries that protect cruel gastroeconomic cultures, such as whaling and dolphin fishing. My art is a representation of Vegan Straight Edge, so they are one and the same.

You recently announced a Collaboration with Full of Hell. Can you provide any details?

I first became aware of Full of Hell when I heard their music on youtube. They wanted to make a t-shirt using the artwork from my Pulse Demon album. Balazs Pandi is a friend of theirs. He mediated collaboration. It went very well and I think it led to something fun.

Do you feel that noise music will ever reach any form of mainstream acceptance?

I might seem like a representative of noise, but I am very separate. If noise becomes mainstream it is not my fault.

Did your embrace of Avant-Garde art come about as a form of rebellion or a form of expression and catharsis?

If Avant-Garde art perpetuates animal cruelty and greed, then it is not truly free.

Being Vegan Straight Edge, how do you feel about organizations like the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front?

I believe that any method one uses to promote Animal Rights and Global Environmentalism is important. Individuals can make a difference. For example, becoming a Vegan damages the meat industry indirectly, It is possible to damage the fur industry by not wearing fur and it is possible to damage the tobacco industry by not smoking.

Do you feel your art is indicative of a larger struggle present in the human condition or is it solely a form of personal expression? 

It is a thing of a personal nature.

What artists, regardless of medium, are you currently enjoying?

I am enjoying Iskra, a Red Anarchist Black Metal band from Canada. I also like AHNA, a blackened crust punk band also from Canada. They gave me their record when I played live in Vancouver.

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