Monday, June 16, 2014

Young Mouth- It wasn't even worth my back seat.

Waves Crashing Piano Chords, the New York horrornoise project, is a bit of an oddity. Helmed by a self described juggalo, the band is dauntingly avant-garde. Most of the releases revolve around disturbing, challenging, yet the creator is a massive fan of nu-metal and ACDC. In short, he is utterly free of the bullshit and pretentiousness that drowns the noise scene. 

His newest release, "Young Mouth- It wasn't even worth my back seat," appears to be a live recording in some sort of small venue. It's great stuff and really makes me jealous for the people who get to see him. It is very simple, primitive noise. His gear of choice is a microphone and feedback. In an era of noise music in which expensive gear is so prevalent, an album of this kind of noise is refreshingly brutal. 

Vocals are pained, guttural howls. Some of the most disturbing I've heard in recent memory. Lyrics are equally savage. The first track telling a story of angry, possibly illegal sex, while the second deals with disposing of noise tapes in the most discouraging way possible.

Listening to a recording of an intimate live noise show is kind of interesting. We can hear the audience joking and speaking to each other, only to be interrupted by the violent, frothing noise they paid to watch. I think that's the true purpose of this release, to preview an, undoubtedly, dynamic live show. I recommend this for people who life violent, lo-fi noise. Buy it if you're into that and go see the band. 

Listen to it here: and wait for the 7 inch release in July. 

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