Wednesday, June 25, 2014

John Cage: Top 10 pieces for prepared piano.

John Cage is one of the few people who deserves the title of genius. A prolific composer and virtuoso piano player, his career spanned fourty five years, four decades spent in states of constant experimentation and musical growth. One of his many innovations was the mastery of the prepared piano. Although modifying the piano was a practice invented ten years before he began composing, Cage typified the technique and it became something of his trademark. He composed thirty two of these pieces throughout his career. These next ten are my personal favorites. They are in no numerical order. 

1. In The Name of The Holocaust
This is a haunting name for a composition, no doubt. The piece befits the name. It is etheral and creepy.  It becomes progressively more chaotic, ending in some loud, heavy tone clusters.

2. Mysterious Adventure
Composed in 1945, this piece is is relatively complex, containing five sections and 27 notes.

3. Roots of Unfocus 
Composed for a dance piece by Merce Cunningham, Roots of Unfocus is an action if intense virtuosity. It is bleak, an aural description of fear and defeat.

4. The Unavailable Memory Of
Another dance piece, this is one of Cage's most minimalist works.

5. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle.
A jittery, uneasy piece, it is best for listening in old mansions and empty train stations.

6. Spontaneous Earth
A gorgeous title for a beautiful piece. Very beat heavy.

7. A Valentine Out of Season
Probably the most naked in emotion, this is Cage's ode to his separated wife, Xenia.

8. Bacchanale
A bacchanale is a musical composition dedicated to drunken revelation. Cage's take, unsurprisingly, is a lurching, pounding attack. Cage at his most demented.

9. Music for Marcel Duchamp
Characterized by periods of silence, a bizarre rythm, and haunting melody. This is simply a masterpiece. No music is better suited for Dreams That Money Can Buy.

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