Tuesday, June 17, 2014

From The Vault: A.I.D.S

From the frost-bitten northern kingdom of, er, Fort Wayne, Indiana hail A.I.D.S. They play black metal, frothing mad, sometimes improvisational black metal that assaults the ears with waves of tremelo picking, blast beats, and blasphemy. 

A.I.D.S recorded my favorite tape demo of all time, 666. The demo, released in 2006, is one of my favorite black metal releases. Some of the songs are riff-heavy, necro black metal where others are free-form experiments. None of them are labeled, so it is difficult to provide examples, but there is a sequence of two songs where one appears to be a venom cover and the next is a series of distorted vocals samples with a booming, expansive kick beat and samples of thunder.   The music is very intense. So intense that I can nearly believe the hyperbolic and, clearly, tongue in cheek liner notes.

According to this scrap of paper, A.I.D.S recorded this demo one June 6th 2006 in an improvisational ode to Satan and that the lyrics are so unfit for human ears that if someone were to actually read the words than they would immediately kill themselves in effigy to the dark lord.  

I like a band that has a sense of humor and makes great music. Check it out. 

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